My husband broke our laptop trying to "fix" it, which is what I used to type blog post. I am not crazy about typing things out on the iPad. But I am thankful to have one :)
I have been flying by the seat of my pants with dinner plans this month. It is kinda stressful. I really like having a plan. Today I am going to plan at least a weeks worth of dinners and also start on Decembers meal plan. Hopefully we will be able to use up some of these leftovers. I've been lucky this month and been offered a lot of free food. I try to never turn down food that is offered us especially if it is just going to be thrown away.
We had our Family Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. Other then the fact Kid #2 decided not to attend ( that is a whole other blog post for a different day) it was a wonderful day. Everyone brought something and we had a great time with visiting.
Have I told you all how much I just love being a Nana? My grandson is 5 months old and so cute. Kid # 1 and my daughter inlaw are struggling some. It is really hard not to want to bail them out. I help some if they ask but sometimes being in your 20's I believe is for being poor and figuring it out. I can tell you though they really could take some frugal lessons from me lol.
I mentioned in a Friday post here a few weeks ago that we paid off our credit card debt we accorded over the summer. Woohoo! It is so freeing to be out from under that. Next up is to really begin attacking the car debt. My plan originally was to pay it off in 16 months. It is maybe possible to still accomplish that but I am not sure. I need to sit down and run the numbers.
I only have to work 2 days this week and I am looking forward to the break. I really need to sit down and make a plan for my days off. There are many things I am hoping to accomplish. The main two are to get some toys listed for sale on Facebook and to get my Christmas gifts made. We will see :)
Speaking of Christmas anyone done with their shopping yet? I am over halfway there and plan to be finished by December 1.