Friday, March 14, 2014

5 Things I Did That Were Frugal This Week

1. Had money left in our two week gas budget. Moved it to savings.

2. Ad matched fot the first time at Target. Then also used Target Cartwheel app to get cheap coffee.

3.  Made this "new" storage box for Kid # 5's room. Using duck tape and a shoe box.  I will for sure be making some more :)

4. Had Hubby stop and pick up Kid # 4 on his way home from work. This saved me time and us money combining trips.

5. We had a leftovers night again this week.

* I kinda lost track of my no spend days this month but this week I had 3 :)


  1. I love the box. What a great idea. And look what you started you have us all doing the post now :)

    1. Lol Thanks Judy! I love reading your 5 frugal things!

  2. Oh I'm using that duct tape box idea! Love it!!!

    1. Thanks! I found the idea on Pinterest. I love that website!
