Friday, September 26, 2014

5 Things I Did That Were Frugal This Week

1. I made a batch of homemade powdered laundry soap. It is easy and  should last us a long while.

2. I turned two different leftovers into two totally different meals. The first was some crockpot chicken which became stir fry. The second was some goulash I bought home from work which became a yummy soup.

3. I started and am almost finished planning a menu for the whole month of October. This will save my sanity and us money!

4. I made Kid# 5 some snacks for her cold lunches for school. One was a s'mores trail mix which was easy and yummy. The other was almond bark coated pretzels. The pretzels were getting kinda stale but I knew Kid # 5 would finish them off it I made white pretzels with them. 

5. I declined doing Secret Santa at work, which may seem kinda Scrooge like of me, but it is not in the budget and I would rather be " car payment free" by the end of the year instead. 


  1. I don't think it's scrooge'ish... It's having your priorities in order! :)

  2. Agree with both Cindi and Carla. Way to be STRONG!!!!! :)

  3. Thank you ladies! Your encouragement means a lot!!
