Friday, January 16, 2015

5 Things I Did That Were Frugal This week

1. I stuck some of our leftovers which I knew would not be eaten before going bad into the freezer

2. We stuck to the dinner menu even though we had a busy week. I did move a few days around but at least we still ate at home.

3. I helped Kid # 3 research where to find all her school books the cheapest.

4. I made a pot of Stuffed Green Pepper Soup on Monday and it made 2 meals for us this week.

5. I needed to use up some corn bread and a couple buscuits. I also needed some Stove Top Stuffing for a recipe but didn't have any. I used Pinterest and made my own using the corn bread and buscuits. Kid # 5 said she liked it much better then the stuff from a box :)

1 comment:

  1. Share the stuffing recipie please!

    We have a company the school contracts with for textbooks. We also have a book swap the day after finals ends. I hot the oldest's books for this school year for 1/2 of what I would have paid that company for used texts. Totally doing it again this year!
