Friday, February 21, 2014

5 Things I Did That Were Frugal This Week

1. Made Kid # 5 a new duvet cover for her room out of a sheet I picked up at Goodwill for $2.16.  I will post pics of it in the next day or two

2. Ate at home even though I did not menu plan this week.

3. Took a box to Goodwill.  This may not seem like a frugal thing but having less clutter helps save money in the long run.

4. Packaged up some food items and put them in the freezer.  I knew we would eat them eventually but would not get to them before they went bad in the refrigerator.

5. Made a big batch of  laundry soap and a spray bottle of  All-Purpose Cleaner . Both last a long time and save me money :)

PS: I also had 2 no spend days.  My total for February is now at 8 :)


  1. I love when you post this, Melissa! I would love to see the duvet cover! What a great bargain!!

  2. I like the idea of no-spend days. I have not heard them called that. A few years ago, I went on a spending diet for one year. My goal was to only spend on food and essentials. For gifts, I gave family members photos and hand-written letters of what they meant to me. For Christmas, my husband and I (as a joke) went around the house and found things we already owned and wrapped them up and gave them to each other ("Oh, my car keys! I always wanted these! Oh, my toothpaste! This will come in handy.") It was super-fun.

    Great post!

