Friday, March 15, 2013

5 Things I Did That Were Frugal This Week

Before we start Carla from My 1/2 Dozen Daily has suggested I do this as a link up party.  Might be kind of fun.  So for now if you would like to play along, link back to me and then leave the link to your post in the comments here, that would be awesome :) 

Here we go....

1. Made a big batch of home made laundry soap.  The powdered version.

2.  Had one stay at home day :)

3. Add all my bills to my online bill pay as they came in this week.  No late fees for me

4.  Stayed out of the stores since I did all my shopping last week for the month

5.  Adjusted my monthly menu plan as needed to accommodate everyone schedules


  1. Hey staying out of stores is my favorite! That really helps me.

  2. I did a post about the things that I did that were frugal. I love reading about what you have been doing. Here is my link.



    1. Oh thank so much for sharing your post! I am going to go read it now!
